Anemia and cholesterolemia during estrus and pregnancy in the Beagle

In a series of 50 female Beagles, weekly jugular blood samples were analyzed for packed cell volume, hemoglobin, protein, and cholesterol. All animals were found to develop an anemia between 7 and 9 weeks after estrus. The anemia was significantly more severe and developed at a significantly later time if the animals were pregnant. In addition, all dogs developed a cholesterolemia (75-94% rise) and proteinemia (13-20% rise) between the 3rd and 8th week after estrus. Pregnant dogs tended to develop the peak levels of cholesterol at an earlier time after estrus than did the nonpregnant dogs. A similar response was seen in the data for plasma protein. Removal of the uterus from three dogs did not materially affect the development of the anemia, cholesterolemia, or proteinemia.