Elementary excitations of antiferromagnetic CoCl2

The dispersion relations of magnons and excitons within the T1g4 ground term of CoCl2 are investigated both theoretically and by Raman scattering. The exchange interaction between coupled Co2+ ions is taken to be isotropic in the ionic spins, with parameters 2J1=5.11±0.28 cm1 for the intralayer (nearest-neighbor) coupling and 2J2=0.36±0.02 cm1 for the interlayer (next-next-nearest-neighbor) coupling. These parameters are obtained by fitting the experimentally determined magnon and exciton energies at k=0. Satisfactory agreement is found between calculation and observed spin-wave dispersion curves, antiferromagnetic resonance, and electronic Raman scattering. Two of the observed Raman bands are identified as simultaneous magnon-exciton scattering, involving zone-edge excitations propagating on opposite sublattices.