Optical Absorption Spectra of Ni-Doped Oxide Systems. I

The optical absorption was studied at room temperature, at 78°, and at 4.2°K in the 2.6‐μ to 0.2‐μ region in single crystals of MgO, ZnO, MgAl2O4, and yttrium‐gallium garnetdoped with nickel. The absorptions found were correlated to electronic transitions within the 3d‐shell using the formalism of the crystal‐field theory. The value of the Dq and B parameters were derived for MgO:Ni (Dq = — 815 cm—1; B = 890 cm—1) and for ZnO:Ni where Ni is tetrahedrally coordinated (Dq = 405 cm—1; B = 795 cm—1). Interesting fine structure was found in the absorption spectra of MgO:Ni and its implications are discussed. An attempt is made to explain some of the fine structure of the absorptions in MgO and ZnO as due to spin‐orbit effects. The observed spectra for MgO:Ni are used to infer the presence of Ni++ in octahedral coordination, both in the spinel and in the green phase of yttriumgalliumgarnet.

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