Changes in T-lymphocyte subsets during acute rheumatic fever

Relative proportions and numbers of helper [OKT4(+)] and suppressor [OKT8(+)] peripheral blood lymphocytes were examined in 32 young patients during the acute phase of rheumatic fever. No significant decrease in percentage T cells during acute rheumatic fever was noted in comparison to normal children controls from the same population. A decrease in absolute numbers of OKT4(+) T cells was also noted in acute rheumatic subjects not receiving corticosteroids (Pin vivo for suppressor or helper T cells. Antigen-reactive T lymphocytes identified with the T29 mouse hybridoma reagent showed similar proportions and numbers in rheumatic children as were noted in controls. The present data indicate profound alterations in both helper- and suppressor-cell types in the peripheral blood profile of children with acute rheumatic fever.