PorA types in Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B isolated in Argentina from 2001 to 2003: implications for the design of an outer membrane protein-based vaccine

Identification ofNeisseria meningitidisPorA types remains important, as the PorA protein is a major immunogenic component of several meningococcal vaccines under development. In this study, 191N. meningitidisserogroup B isolates collected in Argentina through active laboratory-based surveillance from 2001 to 2003 were serosubtyped. Nucleotide sequences of theporAvariable region 1 (VR1) and VR2 regions were determined in 52 non-serosubtypeable isolates. A substantial number of distinct VR types were identified, and a new VR2 variant from the P1.16 family was described. This is the first report describing PorA types inN. meningitidisserogroup B isolates in Argentina. Furthermore, the wide diversity of subtypes detected by serosubtyping and genosubtyping reveals the difficulty in designing a useful outer-membrane vaccine applicable in this country. A possible mechanism responsible for altered PorA expression was analysed in two PorA types.