The heterogeneity of bovine β-lactoglobulin

Samples of [beta]1- and [beta]2-lactoglobulins, and mixed samples, were prepared from the milk of individual typed cows. [beta]1- and [beta]2-Lacto-globulins appear to be identical in sedimentation behavior and similar in molecular weight, but to differ in solubility, UV absorption, titration curves and electrophoretic properties. Both give complex electro-phoretic boundaries. The two proteins are very hard to separate by crystallization: a 9-times crystallized sample contained a substantial proportion of [beta]2-lactoglobulin. The bearing of the properties of these proteins on previous observations on the heterogeneity of [beta]-lactoglobu-lin is discussed. It is concluded that their existence and properties can explain most of, but not all, these observations, and that it remains possible that [beta]1- and [beta]2-lactoglobulins are themselves heterogeneous.