The interactions of π-mesons with complex nuclei in the energy range (100–800) MeV. I: The interaction lengths and elastic scattering of 88 MeV π-mesons in G5 emulsion

A block of emulsion has been exposed to the 96 MEV π-meson beam of the Liverpool synchrotron and 92·5 m of track have been scanned in the region where the mean energy is 88 MEV. After correction for beam contamination, the interaction lengths for the production of inelastic events and for elastic scatters with projected angle of scatter ≥ 8° are (20·4±1·1) cm and (32·3± 2·1) cm respectively. The geometrical interaction length is 29·3 cm. With the optical model of the nucleus, the absorption coefficient is found to be K = (4·0+2·5 −0·75) 1012cm−1, and the change in wave number is given by ki = − (1·86±0·20) 1012cm−1. This absorption coefficient corresponds to a mean free path in nuclear matter λn = (2·5+0·5 −0·7) 10−13 cm, to an imaginary component of potential Vi = − (32+2 −6) MEV, and with the value of the change in wave number to a real potential Vr = −(28±3) MEV.