Relevance of the ecology ofCitrus yeasts to the diet ofDrosophila

A study of the yeast flora of necrotic oranges and associatedDrosophila yielded a total of 221 isolates composed ofKloeckera apiculata (75),Pichia fermentans (75),Pichia kluyveri (50),Torulopsis stellata (17),Hanseniaspora uvarum (2),P. membranaefaciens (1), andCandida vini (1). The yeast species of all samples of oranges and adultDrosophila were very similar; however, the speciesof Drosophila contained a higher proportion ofP. fermentans and a lower proportion ofK. apiculata than was found in the rotting oranges.P. fermentans was subsequently found more frequently on the surface of the necrotic tissue, where the flies feed, than was found internally. SinceP. fermentans characteristically produces a pellicle and pseudomycelium andK. apiculata does not, it is concluded that the growth characteristics of the yeasts are an important factor determining adultDrosophila diets.