Anti-IgE-induced histamine release from rat tissues passively sensitizedin vivo with myeloma IgE differs with strain and mast cell source

Four different strains of rats, BDII, E3, LE, and OM/N, each with a low basal serum level of IgE, were examined with respect to anti-IgE- and ConA-induced release of histamine from serosal mast cells and chopped lung tissue. Tests were performed before and three days after i.p. injection of a graded dose of myeloma IgE (IR 162)-containing ascitic fluid. There was a clearcut strain difference in response capacity with respect to ConA- and anti-IgE-induced release of histamine from serosal mast cells before myeloma IgE-injection. Response capacity increased in some but not all strains after myeloma IgE injection; increase in response capacity of serosal mast cells did not correlate to that of chopped lung tissue. Analogous findings were observed when two of the strains, LE and E3, were passively sensitized by i.p. injection with serum containing another myeloma IgE (IR2). These results indicate that differences exist between mast cells of different rat strains, and within strain between mast cells of various tissues in capacity to become sensitized to myeloma IgE.