The distribution and origin of calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing nerve fibres in feline dental pulp

The origin and distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in feline dental pulp were studied using indirect immunofluorescence. Nerve fibres with varicosities exhibiting CGRP-like immunoreactivity were observed to enter the pulp with blood vessels. Many CGRP-containing nerve fibres were found to extend along blood vessels in the central pulp, and some of these fibres exhibited a network arrangement in the walls of dental pulp blood vessels. However, some of fibres were apparently not associated with blood vessels. Some thin, CGRP-containing nerve fibres formed a part of the nerve plexus in the subodontoblastic area and penetrated into the odontoblastic layer. In animals that had undergone transection of the inferior alveolar nerve, no CGRP-containing nerve fibres were observed. Application of a double-immunofluorescence staining technique also revealed that the distribution of CGRP-containing nerve fibres is very similar to that of substance P-containing nerve fibres.