Epitaxial growth of Co/Cu[100] and [111] superlattices via rf sputtering on sapphire (1120)-substrates

Co/Cu superlattices with total thicknesses ranging from 10 nm to 60 nm and with periodicities of 1.6–8.5 nm were sputtered on single-crystalline sapphire (1120)-substrates. Sputtering with low rates at room temperature yields samples of high epitaxial and crystalline quality. By careful choice of the sputtering parameters, either the fee [100] or the fcc [111] orientation can be selected as growth direction on one and the same substrate orientation. The preference for a particular film orientation appears to be kinetically driven. In all cases, the average lattice spacings d and the appearance of satellite reflections in x-ray Bragg-scans point to coherent growth up to thicknesses of 30 nm. X-ray small angle reflectivity measurements reveal clear oscillations and satellites indicative for smooth interfaces. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations supplement the characterization of the films.