Radiative decay ofJψintoη(1430)and nearby states

Radiative decays of Jψ into K+Kπ0, KS0K±π, ηπ+π, and ργ have been studied in the η(1430) mass range from the 8.6×106Jψ's produced in the DM2 experiment at the Orsay e+e storage ring (DCI). The η(1430) is observed in both KS0K±π and K+Kπ0 channels. A three-body decay-angular analysis of the whole signal supports a JP=0 assignment. A substantial KK*(892) dynamics is present whereas the significance of the a0(980)π contribution cannot be evaluated. The η(1430) is not observed in the ηππ channel which shows a peak in the f1(1285)η(1275) mass range and a new state at 1398 MeV/c2, ≃50 MeV/c2 wide. An a0(980)π intermediate-state contribution is present at least in the latter state. Finally, the low-statistics ργ final state gives no evidence of η(1430) production.