Simultaneous measurements of surface recombination velocity and trapped charge density in the fast states as a function of surface potential are carried out on germanium surfaces at fixed gaseous ambients and temperatures. The surface potential is varied over a range of about 10 kTq by the application of ac fields normal to the surface. For the surfaces studied, the distribution in energy of the fast states is found to consist of four discrete sets of levels. Only one of these sets is significant in the recombination process, being characterized by relatively high capture cross sections for holes and electrons. Another set has negligible cross sections and appears only in the field-effect data. The two remaining sets of levels lie outside the range of surface potential attained and little can be said about their properties. Detailed investigation of the surface recombination process shows that the energy level of the recombination centers is temperature-dependent, increasing slightly as the temperature is decreased. The field-effect data indicate that such is also the case for the other surface states.