The Two-Minima Problem and the Ammonia Molecule

The system of a particle moving in a potential field containing two equal minima is treated by the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method of approximation. The energy levels are grouped in pairs and the object of the computation is to find the separation between two levels forming a pair. This is accomplished by connecting the oscillatory and exponential approximate solutions of the wave equation by means of the Kramers connection formulae. If Δ is the separation of a pair and hν the distance between two pairs Δhν=1πA2 where A=exp[(2πh)0x1[2m(VE)]12dx]. A particular potential curve is chosen consisting of two equal parabolae connected by a straight line. The expression for Δ may then be evaluated explicitly as a function of the length of the joining line, 2(x0α) and the distance between two minima, 2x0. These formulae may be applied to determining the form of the ammonia molecule. Substituting the experimental values for Δ0 and Δ1, it is found that x0=3.161 and α=1.916. An exact solution for this particular potential curve may be found by joining Weber's function Dn(xx0) and Dn(x+x0) to a hyperbolic sine or cosine. This process also leads to expressions for Δ which may be equated to the experimental values yielding x0=3.182 and α=1.930, in good agreement with the earlier determination. Finally x0 is used to compute 2q0=0.760×108 cm, the distance between the two potential minima, and the following dimensions of the ammonia molecule, H - H = 1.64×108, N - H = 1.02×108 cm.

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