Adrenal, NaCl and Experimental Hypertension

The development of hypertension in rats, after wrapping their kidneys with silk, was associated with greater reduction in the percentage of lymphocytes than in those rats which remained normotensive postoperatively. Caloric restriction and pyridoxine deficiency when imposed upon hypertensive rats caused an additional lowering of the percentage of lymphocytes but did not influence blood pressure. A temp. of 5[degree]C and a gelatin diet had no effect upon the blood pressure of hypertensive rats. If NaCl deficiency lowers hypertensive pressures by its effect upon adrenal function, these observations would indicate that it is a specific stress. Rats with hypertension whose systolic pressure had fallen markedly during NaCl deficiency showed a pronounced pressor response to the admn. of 18 mg. of NaCl, adrenal cortical extract and DCA.