A laser-induced fluorescence study of bands of the red system of gaseous CoO: Evidence for ai ground state

Three bands of the ‘‘red’’ system of gaseous CoO have been rotationally analyzed using laser-induced fluorescence techniques. The available evidence indicates that the lower levels are the Ω=7/2 and 5/2 spin–orbit components of a 4Δi electronic state, which is assigned as the ground state of the molecule. The cobalt nuclear hyperfine splittings are small in the ground state, which suggests that no unpaired electron in a σ molecular orbital derived from the Co 4s atomic orbital is present, so that the electron configuration is presumably σ2δ3π2; the ground state bond length (r0) is 1.631 Å. The upper electronic levels are heavily perturbed, both rotationally and vibrationally, and their hyperfine structures, though following case (a) behavior, are large and irregular. This work on CoO completes the determination of the ground state symmetries and bond lengths for the whole series of the 3d transition metal monoxides; some comparisons for the members of the series are given.