Blood flow in the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery was recorded by electromagnetic flowmeter. In a group of dogs progressive hemodilution was performed until the diastolic reactive hyperemic response to 10 s occlusion of the circumflex branch disappeared (“optimum” hemodilution). At this degree of hemodilution the distribution of blood flow in the left ventricular free wall was evaluated by measuring tissue activity concentrations of Xe‐133 and radioactive microspheres after bolus injection into the aortic root. “Optimum” hernodilution was accompanied by a sixfold increase in systolic coronary flow, a 3‐fold increase in diastolic flow and a relative endocardial hypoperfusion. These results indicate that the endocardial blood flow reserve is lower than the epicardial. This conclusion is supported by the influence of spontaneous oscillations of arterial blood pressure (Traube‐Hering waves) on systolic and diastolic coronary blood flows before and during “optimum” hemodilution. In another group of dogs maximum coronary vasodilatation was produced by occlusion of the left coronary artery for 10 s. In this group the distribution of Xe‐133 and radioactive microspheres were measured after bolus injection into the aortic root at peak diastolic reactive hyperemia. The epi‐ and endocardial distribution of both Xe‐133 and microspheres was uniform in the left ventricular wall, indicating a uniform flow to these regions. This might be explained by an increased endocardial perfusion during systole due to loss of myocardial contractility or by a decline towards resting level in epicardial flow at the time of injection, corresponding to a shorter duration of the hyperemic period in the epi‐ than endocardial region.