Evaluation of a flexible one‐piece open‐loop anterior chamber lens ‘Symflex 350B’ 3–4 years after implantation

One-piece, open-loop flexible anterior chamber lens, Symflex 350B, was implanted in 90 eyes, 26 after extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE), and 57 after intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), and in 7 cases the operation was done as a secondary implantation. The cohort was followed 3.4-4.4 years, 68 eyes were included in the last examination. At the final examination 7 eyes (10.29%) had developed corneal oedema. 6 eyes had undergone ICCE and one eye had been secondarily implanted. In no case was vaulting or malposition of the intraocular lens (IOL) found. The decompensation appeared shortly after the operation in 2 cases, one case being a secondary implantation between 1 year and 3-4 years after implantation. All extracapsularly operated eyes showed normal corneas, but the difference was not statistically significant. Neither ovalling of the pupils, nor tissue growth over the haptic feet in the anterior chamber angle, nor the visual acuity (VA) changed significantly from the 1-year to the 3-4-years examination. The intraocular pressure (IOP), however, was statistically significantly lowered 3-4 years postoperatively.