The dielectric constant of liquid and gaseous para‐hydrogen has been measured by the capacitance ratio method between 24°—100°K and 2–326 atm. This encompasses the density range 0.002–0.080 g/cm3. These data have been combined with recently available PVT results in order to calculate the Clausius—Mossotti (CM) function to 0.05% precision. In the range considered, the CM function, or polarizability, instead of being constant, initially rises with density to a maximum 0.2% above the low density value of 1.00427 cm3/g, and then falls. The data in this range can be represented within experimental error by a quadratic function of density. The deviation from constancy is too small for detailed correlation with existing theories of polarizability to be feasible. The results are presented in tabular form. Also the dielectric constant at any desired density can easily be calculated to an accuracy better than 0.1% in ε—1 from the function fitting the polarizability.