Complex segregation analysis for obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders

Complex segregation analysis was applied to a sample of 107 Italian families with probands with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), using regressive logistic models to test for possible models of genetic transmission. We used two different phenotypic definitions of affection: 1) OCD; and 2) OCD plus Tourette's syndrome/chronic motor tics (CMT). Because of the potential relationship between OCD, Tourette's syndrome (TS), and other tic disorders, we considered these diagnoses to be determined by the same liability in subsequent steps of the analysis. For the 107 OCD families, the best fit was a dominant model of transmission (with a higher penetrance for females). When the phenotype boundaries were widened (OCD + CMT + TS), an unrestricted model of transmission became the best fit. We concluded that additional data are needed to support the hypothesis that Tourette's syndrome and OCD share a common etiology: on the basis of clinical and epidemiological considerations, the OCD phenotype probably presents a higher level of heterogeneity than the TS phenotype, and it could be regulated through different etiologic pathways.