Extended asymptotic model for the alkali-anion photodetachment cross sections and multipole polarizabilities

An analytically tractable extended asymptotic model for the response properties of weakly bound anions (small detachment energy E) is proposed and the 2l-pole polarizability, the sum rules, and the photodetachment cross section determined by the model are computed analytically. The model is based on the following two assumptions: (1) The alkali-anion valence orbital Ψ0,γ(r) may be approximated by its asymptotic form Ψ0,γ(r)Nr1eγr, as r, where N is a normalization factor and γ=(2E)12. (2) The alkali-anion l-wave continuum states are approximated by analytic eigenstates determined by a one-parameter r2-type pseudopotential. The pseudopotential parameter λ is chosen to reproduce an appropriately defined representative l-wave electron-alkali phase shift. For the case of zero pseudopotential (λ=l), the model reduces to one successfully applied to the hydride anion. Dipole polarizabilities and photodetachment cross sections determined from the model for Li, Na, and K are compared with the numerical results of Moores and Norcross. Agreement is typically within 10-15% if the pseudopotential (λl) is included.