Measuring Light-Cone Singularities

The scaling behavior observed in deep-inelastic electron scattering is related to the structure of the electric current commutation function in position space. We show that scaling is assured when that object has the following form, which is also consistent with Regge behavior: {ip|[jμ,(x), jν(0)]|p=[gμνμν]14π2ε(x·p)δ(x2)0dωcosωx·pω2FL(ω)+ε(x·p)θ(x2)f1(x2, x·p)}{+[pμpνp·(μpν+νpμ)+gμν(p·)2]14π2ε(x·p)θ(x2)0dωsinωx·pωx·pF2(ω)+ε(x·p)θ(x2)f̃2(x2, x·p)} In the above, FL=F22ωF1, and the Fi are the conventional scaling functions of Bjorken. The fi are arbitrary, except that f2(0, x·p)=0. It is also demonstrated that when the combination T1+(ν2q2)T2 of the conventional forward Compton amplitudes, as well as T2, are unsubtracted, a new sum rule can be derived: p|[j0(0, x), ji(0)]|p=i2πiδ(x)odωFL(ω)ω2 Finally, the consequences of the same unsubtractedness hypothesis for the electromagnetic self-mass of the target proton are discussed. The unsubtractedness hypothesis is consistent with present experimental results.