Effects of normal and Fe‐treated organic matter on Fe chlorosis and yields of grain sorghum

A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the effects of normal and Fe‐treated plant material on Fe chlorosis and yields of grain sorghum. Pigweed, guar, clover, sunflower and wheat plants grown in the field for six weeks were sprayed with a 20% ferrous sulfate solution. The plants were harvested after 48 hours, air dried, then ground to pass through a 0.5 mm stainless steel seive. Different rates of normal and Fe‐treated plant material (0, 14.8, 22.2 and 29.6 Mg ha‐1) were added to the Pernitas fsl (Typic Agiustoll). Chlorosis increased with increasing rates of normal plant material added to the soil. Conversely, applications of Fetreated plant material reduced Fe deficiency chlorosis in grain sorghum. The order of effectiveness of Fe‐treated plant material was: sunflower > pigweed > guar > clover > wheat. There was no significant growth response to the untreated plant material. Growth responses to the Fe‐treated plant material were: sunflower > pigweed > guar > wheat > clover. Data obtained indicate that sunflower and pigweed are good Fe‐carriers and could be used to recycle Fe in the soil to correct Fe deficiency chlorosis and increase yields