Reactions Induced inNi58with 0-24 MeV Deuterons: Statistical Model Analysis

Excitation functions for Ni58(d, α), (d, αp), (d, αn), (d, 2pn), (d, 2np), and Ni60(d, 2α) reactions have been measured radiochemically for deuteron energies up to 24 MeV. The decrease in the (d, α) excitation curve above the threshold of competing reactions such as (d, αp) and (d, αn) is consistent with the qualitative behavior of compound-nucleus reactions. The experimental results have been compared with statistical-model calculations that assume nuclear level densities of the form ρ(E)(2J+1)E2exp[2(aE)12], where the excitation energy E was corrected for pairing. The value of the parameter a was set equal to the experimental value determined by Brady and Sherr (from alpha-particle energy spectra produced by bombarding Ni58 with 15.6- and 19.4-MeV protons). Cross sections were calculated for all permutations of n, p, d, t, He3, and α emission for two successive evaporations, followed by a calculation of a third evaporation of a neutron, proton, or alpha particle where it was energetically possible. In these calculations the inverse cross sections of particles with energy ε, σinv(ε), were assumed to be of the following forms: for neutrons, σinv(ε)=σ1(1+εnε); for charged particles, σinv(ε)=σ2(1εcε) when ε>εc, and σinv(ε)=0 when ε<εc. The parameters σ1, εn,