This paper is the sixth in a series designed to cover taxonomically all species groups ofAgra, whose cumulative ranges extend from southernmost Texas to northernmost Argentina. Thefeisthameli, mixta, virgataandohausigroups constitute theFeisthameliSection of the genus. Thefeisthameligroup consists of seventeen species which have a composite range extending from Guatemala to Bolivia and southeastern Brazil.Among this group, nine new species are described from the following type localities:chapada(BRAZIL, Chapada de GuimaráTes),phite(BOLIVIA, Provencia de Gutierrez),para(BRAZIL, Pará),rubra(BRAZIL, Para, SáTo Félix do Xingu),dation(BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Teófilo Otoni),tuitis(PERU, San Martin, Tarapoto),memnon(BRAZIL, Espírito Santo, SáTo Mateus),lata(BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz),magdalena(COLOMBIA, Santander). A dot map illustrates the range of each taxon.Distribution and relationships are discussed in general, but detailed cladistic analysis is deferred until taxonomy of other sections is completed. Species distributions correspond in part to pleistocene refuges suggested by other authors based on other classes of organisms; however, more species occur outside such centres than in them.

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