Complementary AlGaAs/GaAs HBT I/sup 2/L (CHI/sup 2/L) technology

The monolithic integration of non-self-aligned AlGaAs/GaAs N-p-n and P-n-p HBTs with selective organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy (OMVPE) has been utilized to demonstrate a low-power high-speed integrated injection logic (I/sup 2/L) technology. Seventeen-stage ring oscillators with a logic swing of 0.7 V exhibited a delay of 65 ps per gate with power dissipation of 13 mW per gate for a speed-power product of 850 fJ. This value was in excellent agreement with SPICE simulations based on extracted device parameters which predicted a speed-power product of 840 fJ. Additional simulations predicated a 28-fJ speed-power product and more than a factor of 2 reduction in gate delay with improved epitaxial design and use of submicrometer emitters and self-aligned processing.

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