Hole drift velocity in silicon

Drift velocities for holes in high-purity Si were measured for fields between about 3 and 5×104 V/cm and temperatures between 6 and 300°K for the crystallogrphic directions 100, 110, and 111. The Ohmic mobility is theoretically interpreted on the basis of a two-band model consisting of a spherical parabolic and a spherical nonparabolic band, and the relaxation-time approximation. The low-temperature Ohmic mobility is strongly influenced by the nonparabolicity of the heavy-hole band. The high-field region (E103 V/cm) was analyzed using a single warped heavy-hole band model and a Monte Carlo technique. Anisotropy of hot-hole drift velocity is associated with warping of the valence band. Optical- and acoustic-scattering mechanisms are found to be of comparable strength.