The problem of accounting for the corrections to the Goldberger-Treiman relation (GTR) in neutron β decay, Δπ, is reexamined. It is argued that the failure of the traditional approach, based on dispersion relations or Reggeized one-pion-exchange fits to high-energy hadronic reactions, is probably due to the fact that the radial excitations of the pion have not been explicitly incorporated into these calculations. Although there is now experimental confirmation of the existence of a three-pion resonance, more data is needed in order to update these analyses. A different approach to the calculation of Δπ is proposed here. Starting from the chiral-SU(2)XSU(2)-symmetry limit, where the GTR is exact, one interprets all the GTR parameters as referring strictly to that limit. By calculating the renormalizations induced by symmetry breaking in all four parameters, one can then predict Δπ. As a result of this interpretation a new relation between Δπ and the πN σ commutator σπN is obtained. Using the most recent theoretical value of σπN (35±10 MeV), one predicts Δπ=0.06±0.02, in good agreement with experiment (Δπexp=0.06±0.01). On the other hand, a large σ term such as σπN60 MeV, which in itself is very hard to understand in the framework of QCD and SU(3), would lead to Δπ0.30, in obvious conflict with experiment.