The nutritive value of Jackbean (Canacalia ensiformis)

Thirty male rats were used to study the nutritive value of Jackbean "Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC or (horse bean") (JB) ‐ cooked whole (WJB), dehulled (DJB), soaked (18 and 24 hr) (SJB1 and SJB2), dried, ground into fine powder, and supplemented with rice flour (R) to provide 10% protein for 28 days. Dehulling produced the shortest cooking time and caused comparable increases in protein quality as soaking (18hr). Soaking saved fuel but not as much as dehulling. JB appears to be an economic source of high quality protein as judged by the parameters tested. Its cultivation and better method(s) of preparation are needed to solve one of its most limitations for incorporation into the traditional dishes.