We investigate breakup effects in a three-body model of deuteron elastic scattering and stripping reactions for a variety of potential parameters, bombarding energies, and momentum matching conditions. The investigation is based on the adiabatic approximation with relative angular momentum l=0. We test this approximation by comparisons with several available coupled-channel calculations. The adiabatic wave function is divided into elastic and breakup parts, whose contributions to stripping are discussed separately. Breakup is seen to be primarily an effect of the nuclear interior. Elastic scattering is discussed by fitting a local equivalent potential to the elastic part of the wave function. This potential shows several characteristic features which are fairly stable with respect to the potential parameters and bombarding energies. The validity and limitations of the adiabatic approximation are examined. The approximation is seen to be fairly good for elastic scattering, but of only marginal value for stripping reactions. Possible improvements of the adiabatic approximation are discussed.