Production of potato monohaploids (2n=x=12) through prickle pollination

Data are presented on the potential of gynogenesis for the production of monohaploids and on factors affecting their frequency and relative vigour. Diploid Solanum tuberosum L. and S. tuberosumxS. phureja Juz et Buk hybrids were used as maternal parents and selected S. phureja clones as prickle pollinators with embryo-spot and nodal band as dominant seed and plant marker. About 2 million seeds were screened for absence of embryo-spot. After raising plants from phenotypically spotless seeds, further screening for absence of nodal bands and for ploidy level was carried out. Finally more than 500 monohaploid plants from three genetically different groups of maternal parents were obtained. Frequency and vigour of the monohaploids were clearly dependent on their maternal genotypes. The data also indicated an effect of the pollinator genotype, the physiological stage of the maternal plant and the environment on monohaploid frequency. On the basis of these results the possibility of breeding for a higher monohaploid production rate and for more stable and vigorous monohaploids is discussed. Furthermore, gynogenesis and androgenesis are compared. It is suggested that both should be used in order to obtain monohaploids from sufficiently various diploid breeding material.