Chemotaxis-associated properties of separated prestalk and prespore cells of Dictyostelium discoideum

During development, prestalk and prespore cells of Dictyostelium discoideum become organized in multicellular structures. This physical association makes it difficult to characterize the two cell types biochemically and physiologically. In the present study, we have separated prestalk and prespore cells from 16-h slugs by the method of Tsang and Bradbury and have examined a number of chemotaxis-associated properties of these cells. When assayed on phosphate-buffered agar under both gradient and nongradient conditions, isolated prestalk cells responded chemotactically to cAMP and, unexpectedly, to folate and certain folate derivatives. In contrast, separated prespore cells failed to respond appreciably to any of these compounds. Neither prestalk nor prespore cells of strain HC91 exhibited a cAMP-induced increase in intracellular cGMP. However, a cGMP response was observed in both prestalk and prespore cells of strain NP368, a cGMP phosphodiesterase deficient mutant. Both cell types exhibited comparable cAMP-mediated light-scattering changes and possessed similar levels of surface cAMP- and folate-binding sites. On the other hand, prestalk cells had at least fourfold higher cAMP phosphodiesterase and folate deaminase activities than prespore cells, and a large fraction of both activities was on the cell surface. Therefore, the greater chemotactic response of prestalk cells to cAMP and folate on agar might be due, in part, to their increased capacity to generate a chemoattractant gradient. Results obtained in this study demonstrate that prestalk and prespore cells separated by this procedure can be used in certain physiological as well as biochemical experiments.