Multiplexing of interferometric sensors using phase carrier techniques

This paper demonstrates the multiplexing of fiber-optic interferometric sensors using a CW phase generated carrier technique. The technique employs modulated diode laser sources at different carrier frequencies, nearly balanced interferometers (∼4-cm path difference), and phase generated carrier demultiplexing demodulation. This approach leads to a simple all-passive sensor array which has intrinsically low crosstalk. The system is analyzed in terms of shot noise performance and crosstalk. An experimental all optical implementation of a four sensor array was demonstrated; both the single sensor and multisensor arrays were limited by the laser phase noise to a sensitivity of \sim 18 \mu rad/ \sqrt{Hz} . Crosstalk between individual channels was better than -60 dB and crosstalk between three sensors and the test sensor was better than -55 dB. In the absence of laser phase noise the demodulator/demultiplexer demonstrated \sim 2-\mu rad performance with both single sensor and four element array operation.