Reconstituted bovine skin collagen enhances healing of bone wounds in the rat calvaria

The value of reconstituted fibrillar collagen (Zyderm Collagen Implant I, a concentrated solution of pepsin-solubilized, bovin skin collagen) as a bone graft material was tested in 4 mm diameter surgically created defects of rat calvaria. All wounds were allowed to heal for 4 weeks, and were assessed both qualitatively and by computer-assisted morphometry. The fibrillar collagen was found to produce significantly more new bone than no graft or than heat-denatured fibrillar collagen. The fibrillar collagen was generally well tolerated, appeared to act as a hospitable osteoconductor, and became incorporated into the newly formed bone. The effect of collagen concentration was also tested by comparing the fibrillar collagen at 3.5% (Zyderm Collagen Implant I) with 6.5% suspension of collagen (Zyderm Collagen Implant II). There were no significant differences observed, but a definite trend was evident for Zyderm II to encourage more bone formation than Zyderm I. It is concluded that reconstituted fibrillar collagen is a hospitable, osteoconductive substance that enhances bone healing of calvarial defects in the rat.