Inclusive production of K10, Λ0, and Λ0 in 18.5GeVc π±p interactions

Data are presented for the single-particle inclusive reactions π±pK10+ anything, π±pΛ0+ anything, and π±pΛ¯0+ anything at 18.5 GeVc. We have studied the invariant cross section Ed3σdp in terms of the variables (PL,PT2), (x,PT2), (y,PT2), and (yr,PT2). The distributions for the longitudinal-momentum variable depend strongly on the type of particle produced. The K10 distributions are not symmetric about x=0, where x is the Feynman scaling variable; more K10's are produced in the forward hemisphere, suggestive of beam fragmentation. The Λ0 distributions peak in the backward hemisphere, suggestive of target fragmentation. The Λ¯0 distributions are significantly different from the Λ0 distributions. Distributions of transverse momentum are fitted with the function AeBPT2. The average transverse momentum of the K10, Λ0, and Λ¯0 increases logarithmically with the mass of the produced particle. Topological cross sections and multiplicity distributions are presented. We have studied the Λ0 polarization as a function of |ttmin|, x, and charge multiplicity. We find that the πp data show a significant polarization for 0.5|ttmin|1.5 (GeVc)2 and for 0.8x0.4, while in the π+p data the polarization is everywhere consistent with zero.