Spin correlation parameter and analyzing power inn-pelastic scattering at intermediate energies

In order to improve existing I=0 phase shift solutions, the spin correlation parameter ANN and the analyzing powers A0N and AN0 have been measured in n-p elastic scattering over an angular range of 50°150° (c.m.) at three neutron energies (220, 325, and 425 MeV) to an absolute accuracy of ±0.03. The data have a profound effect on various phase parameters, particularly the P11, D23, and ε1 phase parameters which in some cases change by almost a degree. With the exception of the highest energy, the data support the predictions of the latest version of the Bonn potential. Also, the analyzing power data (A0N and AN0) measured at 477 MeV in a different experiment over a limited angular range [60°80° (c.m.)] are reported here.