1H NMR study of the phase separation and the behavior of hydrogen in Ti1−yVyHx

The behavior of hydrogen in the Ti–V hydrides was studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. FT spectra and spin‐lattice relaxation times of Ti0.60V0.40H0.90, Ti0.40V0.60H0.79, and Ti0.20V0.80H0.77 were measured in a temperature range between 125 and 425 K. A phase separation occurs in the Ti–V hydrides by hydriding, and the β–Ti–V–H and the γ–Ti–H phases are dominant. The former phase increases with temperature, accompanied by the decrease in the latter. The composition in the γ–Ti–H phase is almost independent of temperature, while it changes with temperature in the β–Ti–V–H phase. In the β–Ti–V–H phase, hydrogen‐ordered structures are assumed to be formed, and the hydrogen diffuses faster than in β–VHx and γ–TiHx.