Dynamical Determination of the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of Binary Neutron Stars

We determine the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of binary neutron stars (BNSs) by performing dynamical simulations in full general relativity. Evolving quasiequilibrium (QE) binaries that begin at different separations, we bracket the location of the ISCO by distinguishing stable circular orbits from unstable plunges. We study Γ=2 polytropes of varying compactions in both corotational and irrotational equal-mass binaries. For corotational binaries, we find an ISCO orbital angular frequency somewhat smaller than that determined by applying turning-point methods to QE initial data. For the irrotational binaries, the initial data sequences terminate before reaching a turning point, but we find that the ISCO frequency is reached prior to the termination point. Our findings suggest that the ISCO frequency varies with compaction but does not depend strongly on the stellar spin.