Quadrupole antishielding factors for some3d5,4d5, and5d5ions

With the use of restricted numerical Hartree-Fock-Slater wave functions and the perturbation-numerical approach of Sternheimer, the ionic antishielding factor γ has been calculated for the following three isoelectronic series of ions: Cr+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Co4+, Ni5+, Cu6+; Mo+, Tc2+, Ru3+, Rh4+, Pd5+, Ag6+; and W+, Re2+, Os3+, Ir4+, Pt5+, Au6+. For the ions of the first two series, γ values have been correlated to their distance of outermost maximum in the total radial electron density distribution function. Also, it has been observed that within an isoelectronic series, γ values can be satisfactorily represented in terms of a polynomial in Z1, the reciprocal of atomic number.