A protein binding the methylated 5'-terminal sequence, m7GpppN, of eukaryotic messenger RNA.

Ribosomal salt washes of Artemia salina embryos contain a protein(s) that binds [3H]m7GpppGpC and [3H]m7GpppGmpC, as measured by retention on nitrocellulose membrane filters. These oligonucleotides correspond in structure to the methylated 5'-terminal sequences (caps) present in many eukaryotic mRNAs. The cap binding protein does not bind the unmethylated counterparts of caps, e.g., [32P]GpppGpCp, or a derivative of m7GpppGmpC containing ring-opened m7G. None of the purified initiation factors IF-MP, IF-M2A, IF-M2B, IF-M3, or IF-MI binds the m7G-containing oligonucleotides.