Local magnetization of dilute Fe in Tc, Ru, and Ir from Mössbauer measurements

The magnetic character of the localized spin-fluctuation systems TcFe, RuFe, and IrFe has been investigated by Mössbauer experiments between 1.4 and 290 K in external magnetic fields up to 50 kOe. Saturation values of the hyperfine fields in 50 kOe are -7.3 ± 1 kOe for TcFe and -9.3 ± 1 kOe for IrFe, which are much smaller than those of usual Kondo systems. For Tc and Ir hosts, the saturation values are proportional to the external field, and this property closely resembles Kondo systems like CuFe and RhFe. For Ru host, the observed small and temperature-independent hyperfine field (|Hhf|<2 kOe) is consistent with the extremely high spin-fluctuation temperature.