Dynamic critical behavior in nematic liquid crystals above the nematic-isotropic transition

Using the temperature and frequency dependences of proton relaxation rates in p-methoxybenzylidene pn butylaniline (MBBA), measured in the temperature range of 316.2-350 K and the frequency range of 4-20 MHz, we confirm the necessity of considering critical fluctuations (CF) in two parts—"local" and "nonlocal" as envisaged in a recent theoretical study—characterized by their corresponding correlation times τCFL and τCFN. Both τCFL and τCFN have also been determined at different temperatures. In such determinations, use has been made of the critical index for τCFL, the same as observed in light scattering experiments, and our τCFL is in reasonable agreement with these results. Like τCFL, τCFN also shows critical behavior but with a slightly higher index. The magnitude of τCFN is also appreciably larger than τCFL at the same temperature. These observed differences between τCFL and τCFN, and the behavior of nuclear relaxation rate (T1)CFL1 at T* predicted by the Landau-de Gennes theory suggest strongly a close similarity between the nematic-isotropic (NI) transition and the Bose-Einstein condensation; T* is the apparent critical temperature if the IN transition were continuous.