Antiferroelectric Transitions in NH4H2PO4 and NH4H2AsO4 Studied by Infrared Absorption

The antiferroelectric phase transition of NH4H2PO4 and NH4H2PO4, as well as of their deuterated analogs, were studied by observing the changes in the infrared absorption spectra (250–4000 cm−1) accompanying the phase transition. The behavior of the spectrum of NH4H2PO4 and ND4D2PO4 while approaching Tc suggests that the same hydrogen‐dynamics mechanism is responsible for the phase transition in both cases, and that the fluctuating double‐minimum‐potential‐well theory for the hydrogens applies here too. The differences observed at temperatures below Tc indicate a different final arrangement of the hydrogens in the antipolar phase. There are more PO4 lines in the NH4H2PO4 low‐temperature spectrum, indicating that the hydrogens are arranged asymmetrically along the c axis, thus inducing an antiparallel dipole network. The ir absorption spectrum of a mixed crystal NH4H2(AsO4)0.95(PO4)0.05 was measured at different temperatures in order to check the validity of the site‐group assignments in these crystals. The gradual reduction in the correlation field splitting on increasing the deuterium percentage in the antipolar phases of ND4D2PO4 compounds suggests a more distorted deuteron network. Possible assignment for the absorption peaks in both phases of NH4H2AsO4 and ND4D2AsO4 (60% D) are given.

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