C-banding pattern and polymorphism of Aegilops caudata and chromosomal constitutions of the amphiploid T. aestivum — Ae. caudata and six derived chromosome addition lines

C-banding patterns were analysed in 19 different accessions of Aegilops caudata (= Ae. markgrafii, = Triticum dichasians) (2n = 14, genomically CC) from Turkey, Greece and the USSR, and a generalized C-banded karyotype was established. Chromosome specific C-bands are present in all C-genome chromosomes, allowing the identification of each of the seven chromosome pairs. While only minor variations in the C-banding pattern was observed within the accessions, a large amount of polymorphic variation was found between different accessions. C-banding analysis was carried out to identify Ae. caudata chromosomes in the amphiploid Triticum aestivum cv ‘Alcedo’ — Ae. caudata and in six derived chromosome addition lines. The results show that the amphiploid carries the complete Ae. Caudate chromosome complement and that the addition lines I, II, III, IV, V and VIII carry the Ae. caudata chromosome pairs B, C, D, F, E and G, respectively. One of the two SAT chromosome pairs (A) is missing from the set. C-banding patterns of the added Ae. caudata chromosomes are identical to those present in the ancestor species, indicating that these chromosomes are not structurally rearranged. The results are discussed with respect to the homoeologous relationships of the Ae. caudata chromosomes.