Summary: The severity and persistence of symptoms of mosaic virus disease were monitored during the first six months of two growing seasons in cassava of the African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV)‐resistant cv. TMS 30572 either inoculated by grafting with a mild or severe strain or infected from the planted cutting. Symptomless shoots developed between January and March 1995 in two field trials differing in age by c. 6 months; this recovery occurred during particularly hot weather. Recovery was often only temporary in the plants inoculated with the severe strain and occurred later compared with those inoculated with the mild. In 1996, the weather was cooler and recovery that year was delayed until flowering, c. 7 months after planting, when recovered shoots were often produced from buds in the axils of symptomless leaves produced amongst diseased leaves. Most cuttings taken from the upper parts of diseased plants produced symptomless (reverted) progenies whereas most cuttings taken from the base of diseased plants produced diseased progenies. Reversion seemed to be associated with the recovery that had already occurred in the upper stems of the parent plants.