Composition of foods and dishes commonly consumed in villages of the Gezira area of Sudan ii. Amino acids and protein quality

The amino acid contents of foodstuffs and ready‐to‐eat meals commonly consumed in the Gezira area of the Sudan were chemically analyzed. The biological quality of the different dishes with respect to amino acid composition was calculated using the amino acid scoring pattern proposed by the FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation in 1985. Results reveal that the amino acid composition of most Sudanese meals is not adequate. Deficits were found especially for lysine and sulfur‐containing amino acids. Combination of different foods and dishes like asida (a gruel of partially fermented sorghum) or kisra (thin leafes of baken sorghum) with different sauces (mulah) like yoghurt, tagalia, weikab and additional legumes in form of kebkabia are recommended especially for childfeeding. Fenugreek (Helba) can further be used during cooking to fortify sauces in common use like garaa, bamia and amrigiega to improve their amino acid values.