High-magnetic-field magnetization and magnetoresistance of a transition-metal-base spin glass: Zr-Mn

The magnetization M and electrical resistivity ρ have been measured at 0H135 kG and 1.2T27 K for the transition metal hcp Zr containing Mn at concentrations 520c3100 ppm. The primary results are (a) the measurements confirm earlier indications that Mn displays a localized magnetic moment when in solution in hcp Zr and suggest a Kondo temperature TK<1.0 K; (b) both the high-H saturation magnetization and the low-H susceptibility show that the spin S associated with Mn in Zr is 2.0 ± 0.2; (c) the impurity magnetization ΔMM(alloy)M(Zr) obeys the Blandin-Souletie-Tournier scaling ΔMc=F(Hc, Tc), suggesting the dominance of a long-range oscillating Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY)-like moment-moment interaction, as appears to exist in the more widely investigated non-transition-metal-host spin glasses; (d) the behavior of the resistivity, susceptibility, and reversible magnetization indicates that spin-freezing temperatures T0(c) (if such exist in Zr-Mn) are below the present 1.2-K temperature limit; (e) the high T>T0, high HkBTgμB, Larkin-Khmel'nitskii (LK) prediction ΔM(LK)=ΔMs(1H0H) (ΔMs is the impurity saturation magnetization, H0cV0, V0 is the RKKY coefficient) does not account for the (i) T-dependence of ΔM, (ii) relatively low fields 40Hs130 kG (at 520c3100ppm Mn) required for saturation of the impurity magnetization at 1.2 K; (f) fits of the measured ΔM(H) to the theoretical ΔM(LK) at H<Hs, c1690ppm Mn, yield V0=2.7×1037 erg cm3 and hence an exchange parameter |JRKKY|0.5 eV; (g) at c=520ppm Mn, ΔM(H) is close to the free-spin Brillouin magnetization and ρ(H,T) can be fit to single-impurity theory: (i) Δρ(T,H=0)ρ(alloy)ρ(Zr) to the Hamann-Fischer formula with TK1.0 K, (ii) the spin-component magnetoresistance δρs(H>Hs) to the Béal-Monod and Weiner third-order perturbation formula with an exchange parameter Jm=0.2 eV. In general, the present work indicates that localized-magnetic-moment (S, TK,Jm) and high-T>T0 spin-glass (BST scaling, V0, JRKKY) behavior of Mn in the transition-metal hcp Zr is rather similar to that of Mn in the noble metals. However, the present observations of relatively low fields Hs required for saturation of the impurity magnetization suggest cutoffs on the order of Hs(c) in the internal molecular-field distribution and do not appear to agree with current T>T0 theory. It is unclear whether the disagreement is a general property of metallic spin glasses, or is peculiar to transition-metal host systems or to alloys (such as the present) with relatively short electron mean free paths which might cause some damping of the RKKY oscillations.

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