1.9 GHz/5.8 GHz-band on-chip matching Si-MMIC low noise amplifiers fabricated on high resistive Si substrate

The use of high resistive Si substrate, instead of conventional low resistive Si substrate, enables one to reduce the loss of spiral inductor for on-chip matching circuit by 61% at 1.9 GHz and by 78% at 5.8 GHz, and to improve gain and noise performance of the BJT. These improvements are explained as the reduction of dielectric loss of substrate by referring to equivalent circuit model extraction. The fabricated 1.9 GHz-band on-chip matching LNA performs 13.4 dB gain, 1.9 db NF with 2 V, 2mA d.c. power and 5.8 GHz-band LNA performs 6.9 dB gain, 3.3 dB NF with 3 V, 3 mA d.c, power.

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