Specific heat and critical fields of the organic superconductor β(BEDTTTF)2SF5CH2CF2SO3

We report on specific-heat, magnetization, and ac-susceptibility measurements of β(BEDTTTF)2SF5CH2CF2SO3, an organic superconductor with Tc=4.5 K, where BEDT-TTF stands for bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene. The jump of the specific heat C at Tc and the exact form of the specific-heat difference between C in the superconducting (B=0 T) and in the normal (B=3.5 T) state can be well described by BCS theory with strong coupling. We estimate an electron-phonon coupling parameter λ1.1. From measurements of C in magnetic fields we extract the upper critical field Bc2(T). Low-field dc-magnetization measurements were used to determine the temperature dependence of the lower critical field Bc1. From Tc down to 3 K the characteristic suppression of Bc1(T) below the sensitivity limit is observed.