Submillimeter Cyclotron Resonance and Related Phenomena in HgTe

We present the results of far-infrared magnetotransmission experiments on mercury telluride. The experiments are performed on n-type samples in theFaraday and Voigt geometries in the wavelength range from 2 mm to 100 μm at 4.2 K and in magnetic fields up to 58 kG. Both intraband transitions in the Γ8 conduction band, such as cyclotron resonance, and interband Γ8Γ8 transitions are observed: To analyze the position of the plasma-cylotron-resonance line observed in the Voigt geometry, we discuss the frequency and magnetic field dependence of all the contributions to the dielectric function including that which arises from the interband Γ8Γ8 transitions. The Luttinger parameters γ1, γ¯, and κ describing the quantum levels in the Γ8 bands near the degeneracy point at k=0 are determined. Absorption lines due to transitions between a discrete acceptor state degenerate with the conduction band and the quantum levels of the conduction band are observed. The activation energy of this acceptor state is found to be EA=0.7±0.1 meV.